Mental Health
The Club Cricket Charity is extremely interested in pursuing causes which will help in the fight to reduce the effect of mental health issues in the world of cricket.

Our first venture into this field which is so vital to the wellbeing of cricketers at all levels, was to aid in the promotion of an inspirational film “The Edge”, which chronicled the upward and downward path of the England Cricket Team between 2009 and 2013. The film had a tremendous reception and was viewed across the country, partly due to our promotion.
In all professional sport, cricket has the highest incidence of suicide, and this is something which can and should be addressed at all levels. High profile cases abound, but it is in lower levels of the game that the signs can be missed – with disastrous consequences. Amateur cricket clubs should not be left with the responsibility to notice and recognise the symptoms of depression or anxiety which can become such devastating thoughts and emotions.
Please contact us if you would like any information
or would like to propose solutions.